Vol. | No. | Year | Article Title |
24 | 1 | 1988 |
Residual Risk Acceptance Hammond, Major John B. |
24 | 1 | 1988 |
Mishap Potential Versus Risk DeVille, Col. Edsel |
24 | 1 | 1988 |
Awards: Rewards for a Professional Effort Richard, Barry |
24 | 1 | 1988 |
Risk Management in the Netherlands: A
Quantitative Approach
van Kuijen, C.J. |
24 | 1 | 1988 |
Protecting Privileged Information... Hodge, Peggy E. |
24 | 2 | 1988 |
Evaluation of Safety Margin Against Slipping
In a Straight Aluminum Ladder Pesonen, J.P. Hakkinen, K.K. |
24 | 2 | 1988 |
Risk Assessment and Comparisons: An
Introduction Wilson, Richard Crouch E.A.C. |
24 | 2 | 1988 |
The Nature of PRA For the Chemical Industry Aulenbach, D.B. Wockenbury, R.W. |
24 | 2 | 1988 |
The System Safety Domain Roland, H.E. |
24 | 2 | 1988 |
Risks in New Technologies — Controlling Toxic
and Hazardous Gas Releases During Photovoltaic Cell Manufacture Moskowitz, P.D. Fthenakis, V.M. Hamilton, L.D. Kalb, P. |
24 | 3 | 1988 |
Calculation of Intoxication Effects in a Risk
Analysis Associated with Toxic Gases
Pietersen, C.M. |
24 | 3 | 1988 |
Can System Safety and Manprint Coexist? Adamcik, Patrick V. |
24 | 3 | 1988 |
Analysis Concerning Perceptions About
Supervisors' Accident Investigation Hulet, M.W. |
24 | 3 | 1988 |
Software Safety Lessons Learned from Computer
Aided Industrial Machine Accidents
Askren, William B. Howard, John M. |
24 | 4 | 1988 |
USAF Flying Safety Update Smith, Col. Paul D. |
24 | 4 | 1988 |
Software Safety Forrest, Maurice |
24 | 4 | 1988 | Safety and Health Hall of Fame |
24 | 4 | 1988 |
Aftermath of System Safety Failure: Lessons
to be Learned from an Expert Witness Kurke, Ph.D, Martin I. |
24 | 4 | 1988 |
Approximate Modeling as an Aid to Software
Design Karat, John |