Additional Information and Schedule of Elections

October 1 (not less than nine months prior to the end of a term of office): In addition to nominations made by the Nominating Committee, nominations for Officers or Directors may be submitted by written petition of at least 30 members to the Executive Secretary for consideration by the Nominating Committee and Executive Council. Nominating petitions shall be accompanied by written acceptance of the nomination by each nominee.

December 1 (not less than seven months prior to the end of the second Society Year): Nominations of at least two candidates for each open office shall be approved by the Executive Council and submitted to the Executive Secretary by the Nominating Committee. Each candidate shall submit suitable biographical information and a photograph for publication in the Society journal, or on the ballot form. Each nominee shall provide written acceptance of the nomination.

February 1 (not less than five months prior to the time the newly elected officers are to take office): The Executive Secretary shall submit a mail ballot to the voting members. The ballots shall contain the names of all candidates for the Officers and Directors as approved by a quorum of the Executive Council and shall, in the instance of candidates for Directors, include more candidates than the number of positions to be filled.

Tabulation of Votes: Election of the Officers and Directors shall be by a plurality of the ballots received within 30 days following mailing. The results of the voting shall be tabulated by a committee of not less than three Professional Members, and the results announced to the membership by letter or in the Society journal. All ballots shall be available for review for a period of at least one year following any election.